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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 7: Insanity!

Total Weight Loss: -54
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (7/6): 189
Current Week: -1.6

Nice stats, eh? hehe...I finally got into the 180's! I was getting sooo sick of the 190's as they CLEARLY overstayed their welcome. I love you 180's, but please please please don't stick around for too long!

So let's talk was CRUCIAL. First of all, we started and were told about 3/4 a mile in to turn around and start over, because the leaders of the pack lead us the wrong way. Then, we waited at the start line for about 15 minutes to re-start the race. Finally, we got on the right path and headed toward the finish line in BRUTAL HEAT! There was not one single part of the path that was shaded. It was hot hot hot, and I was not dealing well. I have, what I have discovered, heat-induced asthma. I always knew I had activity induced asthma, but heat triggers it even more so during activity. Around mile marker 4, I had what felt like a ton of bricks sitting on my chest, and could not, for the life of me, catch my breath. I slowed down A LOT, and fought the urge to stop all together. Well, I kept going and finished anyways! I am re-thinking the races in the middle of summer at that length...not sure my asthma can handle it quite yet.

Next-let's talk INSANITY!!! Chris told me one day he was interested in doing the P90x program, and I did a little research and came across the Insanity program, which is 60 days, rather than P90x's 90 day program. Insanity also focuses a little more on toning what you already have, rather than bulking up what you already have, like P90x does. Well, let me tell you, Shawn T. can suck it! I am in soooo much pain...and it's only Day 4! Oh pain no gain, right? I'll keep you posted on results. I took a before picture, but I do not guarantee that I will post that picture until I see that I have obvious results after 60 days! It's not pretty...

So, did you know I have collar bones? Cuz I definitely never knew I did until I woke up with them one morning this week!!!! :) :) :) :) I had to take a picture!Tonight we're doing day 4 of Insanity...pray for me!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 6: Going...Going....Going....Nowhere!

Total Weight Loss: -52.4
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (7/6): 190.6
Current Week: -0

As you can probably tell by my title of this entry, I'm a little frustrated. I am THRILLED to have at the very least been able to maintain and keep off the magnificent numbers I've been putting up the last 6 weeks, but ZERO this week?! I worked out 5 times this week, and earned 34 AP's....34!!!! That's the most I've ever earned on WW, and I've been doing WW for YEARS on and off...Yes I'm one of those that tried over and over again, and this is the time that finally just CLICKED.

Anyways, that's my rant, and I'm moving on as of RIGHT NOW!

This past weekend was great! Chris and I didn't have any plans for the holiday weekend, so we just went with the flow and really just ended up relaxing all weekend. Spent Saturday and Sunday afternoon at my parent's pool, sunbathing, and enjoying the beautiful weather. Cookouts both nights...ok eating both days...maybe a little overboard on the cupcakes on Sunday, but I did track them!

I have a BIG weekend ahead, as I am doing a 10k with my mom and boyfriend on Saturday. I'm super excited about it, but also super nervous, as I remember my last more-than-6 mile walk, and the pain I endeared after. I am hoping the great amount of AP's I've been getting in means I'm a little more in shape this time around. Either way, once it's over, I'll be thrilled I did it, and there's nothing better than that feeling.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SV and Booked Vacation!!!

Total Weight Loss: -52.4
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (6/15): 190.6
Current Week: -2

2 lbs! Wow, I'm on a roll!!! Which, is amazing, since I now have a new goal! Out of the blue, I decided to book a vacation with my best friend Meg, and we are going to SAINT LUSIA! We leave 2 months from today...2 months! If you can't tell, I'm totally excited! Her friend is getting married, and she needed a "date" to go with her since it's at a Sandals, which only does couples rates...if I understand that correctly. So, my new "mini" goal is to be in the 170's by the time we leave....It could be 179.9 for all I care...I just really want to see a 7! In order to do this, I need to lose at least 10.7 lbs, which I am very confident I can do!

I am currently at a weight that I have not seen in at least 4 years, and I am feeling absolutely amazing. Everything about me just feels healthier and happier. My body is starting to tone up a bit, my skin is looking amazing, my nails are growing (I'm a nail biter, don't know when I kicked that habit), and I feel great! I am in large hopes that I will see the 180's next week, which is a weight I saw for a brief period of time in 2004, but I did not stay there long.

I was at my lowest weight that I can recall, which was about 174 in 2004, when I met my boyfriend. I look back on pictures from then and I was looking great! Being able to see that I am not so far off from that number now makes me incredibly anxious to look like that again! I am also noticing, however, that I am losing weight differently this time around, as I have amped up my activity this time around, compared to just eating better when I lost a lot of weight 6 years ago. I am looking about as healthy now as I did then at 174. I know I won't be where I want to be when we go on this Saint Lucia trip, but I want to know that I am still well on my way to being where I want to be by the time my family goes on our cruise next March!

I am using this very upcoming trip as motivation! I worked out on a Tuesday (Weigh in day) for the 2nd week in a row after my weigh in! I was the weight watcher that would binge and be lazy every Tuesday night, but I have a whole new outlook: Start the week out right, and it will end right! Not only did I work out last night, I burned over 700 calories in an hour!

I really want to get into the habit of getting up in the morning and working out, but I'm having a super hard time convincing myself when my alarm goes off that working out is more important than 40 more minutes of sleep...struggling, but I'm determined to conquer it!

TTFN! Happy weight loss!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Too Long

Since I have blogged! I promise to get better at this!

So time to play catch up! The stats below are for my last 3 WI's. I lost a total of 5.4 lbs at 3 WI's!!! A whopping 4.2 loss on June 15th's WI...I really hope this means my plateau has officially been kicked!

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)Current Week (6/8): 197.4
Current Week: -.6

Total Weight Loss: -45.6
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (6/15): 193.2
Current Week: -4.2

Total Weight Loss: -49.8

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)Current Week (6/22): 192.6Current Week: -.6
Total Weight Loss: -50.4

Now that we're caught up on my last 3 weeks of SLACKING, let's get down to business! Let's see...what's been going on with me??
Well, pretty much same 'ol, same 'ol. The last walk/run I did was still the quarter marathon. My next walk is this Saturday in the town next to mine. It's nothing special....just a walk that was thrown together for their annual rodeo days...yes, I said days. Wisconsin is FULL of town and state festivals ALL summer long. Can you blame us? We're cooped up in the house for at least 6 months out of the year due to the blistering cold winters!

I have planned out run/walks through September, and they are as follows:
July 3-Rodeo 5kJuly 10-YMCA 10K
August 14-Grunski Runski 10k
August 28-Charity Challenge 5kSeptember 19-ThedaCare Orthopedics Plus Half Marathon
What can I say!?! I'm addicted to them! The best part-I even have Chris doing them with us now, and he loves them! The July 10 10k will be his first 10k, however, and I think he is underestimating how grueling this walk/run is going to be. FUN TIMES!

That's right, I finally gave into the baggy and overwhelmingly frumpy clothes in my closet! There is a page that was created on facebook called "ww traveling pants (and skirts...and dresses)", and I have utilized it greatly! I went through my closet and rid of all bottoms bigger than a size 16, and all tops bigger than a Large (I am somewhere between a size 14 and 16 now and a size medium or large in tops). I also was able to benefit from the amazing girls on the page that are smaller than me currently, and giving up their larger clothes! However, there were still a few essentials I needed to add to the wardrobe, and saved up a couple paychecks to go shopping! It was AWESOME!

Modeling a couple new purchases!

I also decided to reward myself with one thing that I really wanted that I normally wouldn't be able to afford, but could afford because I had some money saved up! See Link:


I bought a 3 months journal and one of those cute little snap books to put it in, as well as my ww weekly book. Having something tangible to carry around in my purse has really stepped up my tracking game! It's also super cute, and I constantly want to pull it out and use it. See Below:

I've really been stepping up my veggies/fruits intake, water, and have been eating oatmeal and taking a multi vitamin religiously every day. I think it's working! However, I did go a little overboard Saturday with points...went out to a comedy club, so alcohol and snacking really added up, but I tracked it, and I'm moving on!

Now I remember I said I'd try to introduce you to all of my support team randomly throughout my blogs! So, this week, I'd like you to meet my favorite person in the entire world, dbf Chris! :) :) He has been such an amazing support system throughout my journey and tells me over and over again how proud of me he is, so this is a shout out to the love of my life! :) :)

March 2009 (About 15 lbs ago-need to get updated pictures!)

Now I know I also said I'd get some recipes up...haven't gotten to that yet! I hope to get some up this week, so stay tuned! Tonight's dinner is going to be a light version of fish sticks! How fun does that sound?!?!

Tomorrow is WI day, so I'll update you on the newest success (hopefully!) asap! TTFN!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Short and Sweet

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week: 198
Current Week: +1.6
Total Weight Loss: -45

Wow so the past few weeks have been's the start of summer, and I'm so happy it's summer, I apparently can't stop stuffing my face, and am too lazy to work out! Well...I'm actually posting this nearly a week after this weigh in (my next weigh in is tomorrow) and I have kicked it up a bit! Last week, I bought a 3 month journal and one of the new snap cases to put it in. I have tracked every single thing I put in my mouth this week, and have also earned 24 activity points! However, I have also eaten every daily point, weekly point, and activity point available this week....we will see tomorrow how that works out!

This past weekend, I did a quarter marathon! 6.55 miles! WALKING! The event was "Walk Wisconsin" and we were only allowed to running! My mom and I did it together and finished in just under 2 hours. I was beyond sore the next day, but jumped right into some more activity for the two days following, and now feel great! I must have worked the pain out!

Sorry to cut this blog short, but I weigh in tomorrow, and hope to have good news to follow!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Not so great week-very challenging weekend ahead!

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week: 196.4
Current Week: +1.4
Total Weight Loss: -46.6

Last week was pretty rough! I know I didn't eat the greatest, but I also know I've eaten a lot worse, and worked out a lot less! I did zumba 3 times last week, and did a 5k on Saturday, and gained! I am at a realization that I am at a serious plateau and I need to tweak my routines a little to start seeing some consistent results. I have made a goal this week to keep at the 4 or more times per week working out, but I have made it a point to push myself just a tad bit more during my work outs. At Zumba on Wednesday night, I stepped up my game-I pushed it harder, extended my ranges of motions, and just moved at a faster pace. Last night, Chris and I went for a walk, but he wasn't going to get home 'til close to 6 to start our walk, so I "warmed up" with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I'm also not one to work out on Fridays, but I am going to do Jillian Michaels again when I get home after work in about half an hour!

Recap on this past weekend's 5k: It was for a great cause! All money raised was given to a family with two daughters; one is 13 with ovarian cancer and autism, and the other one is much younger...maybe 4 or 5 that has downs syndrome. So, a great feeling to contribute to their medical bills! HOWEVER, the course for the 5k was MISERABLE. It was through an ultimate frisbee type field, and the grass was wet, and there were holes all over the place! Quite the challenge, and glad we made it through it, but will not be participating in that one next year.

This weekend: We're going to Milwaukee for an all day trip tomorrow to see the Thunderbird's air show, and then going to a Brewers game tomorrow night....and then driving back....LONG DAY AHEAD. My mom and I are going to plan out our daily dishes this evening for tomorrow, so we don't fall off the wagon completely for an entire day, because believe me, I know that one day can ruin your entire week!

I hope to get on towards the end of this weekend with some more updates! Have a fantastic memorial day weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Zumba, Zumba, Zumba!

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week: 195
Current Week: 1.8
Total Weight Loss: -48

So GREAT WI this week! Lost 1.8, and I definitely worked for it...however I feel like I only worked for it the 3 days prior to my actual WI day. So this week...I figure why not work for it all 7 days of the week and try to double my efforts and losses!'s Thursday...2 days in, and so far so good!

I have worked out 3 times already this week! I was lucky to average 2 times per week for the few months prior to now. However, I have found a work out that i truely LOVE-Zumba! It's the first work out ever that I wake up each morning I know i have it and think YES! I have Zumba tonight! Instead of...UGH! I have to go to the gym tonight/walk to night. So...yes...all three of my workouts this week have been Zumba classes. I also have a 5k on Saturday-I hope to have a picture for you from that to post this weekend! And another Zumba class again Monday before my WI on Tuesday night!

I am actually GOING OUT this weekend! I have turned into such an old lady...Chris and I barely ever go out anymore-we sit around and enjoy each others company...most of the time ;) old friend of mine and I are going out for a ladies night! We usually get together 1-2 per month but always as couples and with her beautiful family of 4 kiddos! This's just us gals! She invited her neighbor lady friends, and Chris is going to go hang out with her husband and kiddos for the night-super psyched! I really need a night out of gossip and just ladies!

Tonight we had stir fry-Chris makes a fabulous stir fry! Next time, I'll try to remember to take pictures and break it down into points.

In this post, I'd like to introduce you to my bestest friends who I miss sooo much! I went to college in Georgia...and as discussed living in they all still live down in the south-Tennessee and Georgia-and I don't get to see them often :(

L to R: Stef, Me, Marybeth, Meg, and Sarah

We recently saw each other at the end of April for Stef's beautiful baby girl's 1st bday party! I flew down for the weekend, and had an amazing time with my ladies! Prior to that, we saw each other at the end of February. We all gathered in Atlanta, GA for a (mostly) fabulous girls weekend! I say mostly because I got sick on night 2 and was miserable while everyone else was out having fun! I decided after that trip, I had to make up for the lost time by making my way back for the lil gal's bday! I have been missing them TONS this week, and am contemplating my next trip down...OR maaayyybe they can come up here :)

More to come soon!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nightmarish Weekend

This weekend was a big FAT NIGHTMARE! Well...not even the entire weekend-just yesterday! Friday night was good. We went out to eat at my family's restaurant and I had a small dinner salad with FF Italian dressing, broiled haddock (no butter), and a baked potato with a small amount of sour cream to top it. Chris and I had a nice night in on Friday-actually we were both in bed by 10:30-we're old!

Saturday-we got the boat out for the first time this year and we went boating/fishing! Before fishing, I started out with a fabulous, but pointy (10 pts!) breakfast! I had half a Belgium waffle (4 pts), and a bagel thin egg, cheese, and bacon sandwich (6 pts)-so worth it! Lunch time came around, and we were already on the boat. We planned ahead and grabbed some subs at subway, so at this point...I'm still doing ok. It was after our relatively unsuccessful fishing trip (my mom caught 1 bass and the rest of us caught nothin'!) that I started to dive head first into the red! My dad had a tractor pull on main street of my home town...I know I know...sounds redneck! And it is! But we had fun...anyways...I had a bag of not-so-point friendly chips, and a pulled pork sandwhich-the bun alone was probably 5 pts! at the event...I also had three beers...and topped off the night with a 15 pt shake from Culvers! I tracked it all, and with a whopping 63 pt day...I am moving on!

Today has gone well so far. I started the day off with a chobani greek yogurt-love them! I also had a fantastic lunch I really want to share with you! I have found the easiest lunch/dinner meal to make, and Chris likes it too-Quesadillas!. It consists of the following ingredients:

Directions-Fill any size tortilla with whatever ingredients you like-I like it simple with chicken and cheese. I get the chicken from Sam's Club-it's already pre-cooked fajita meat. The rest of the ingredients should be able to be found at any grocery store. You can use 1 tortilla and fold it in half or two tortillas and use one on top and one on bottom. Spray a non-stick skillet and cook for 2 minutes each side. Wha-La! A meal in less than 10 minutes! I use a pizza cutter and cut it like a pizza into triangles when done, and use FF sour cream and taco sauce to dip the triangles in.

Chris is currently cooking us up some dinner on the grill-tenderloins and corn on the cob...mmmmm!!!! I can't wait!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Week 1: Hi!!!

Hi! My name is Tara, and I'm from a small town in Wisconsin. I work as a Quality Assurance Coordinator for my family's cheese company...I know, I I have an amazing boyfriend of 6 years, and an adorable 3 year old miniature schnauzer named Molly. DBF and I have been discussing marriage, and future plans, and I hope to be able to update you more on that SOON!

I have done Weight Watchers about 4 times now...the first time I lost about 40 lbs, but had since gained back that 40 plus another 40. The 2nd and 3rd Weight Watchers attempts were a fail on my part. And this 4th attempt has been a huge overall success thus far! I began in May of 2009 (so almost a year ago!), and have so far lost 46.2 lbs! I did, however, begin working out/eating better prior to starting Weight Watchers last year, and lost about 13 lbs before beginning. I will only keep you updated on my official Weight Watcher progress, however, so not to make it too confusing.

So this isn't week 1 of my journey, but it is week 1 of my first official blog! I have been updating my progress and goals at since the beginning of my journey, and I will continue to do so. I will also post here at least weekly to update you on each week's successes! (OR FAILURES!) So let's get started!

Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week: 196.8
Current Week: -.0 (No movement this week)
Total Weight Loss: -46.2

My WI day is Tuesdays, so I will update as soon as I can after I WI each week. I am a huge fan of creating/finding new recipes, and I aim to try something new each week. I will take pictures and provide recipes as often as possible.

To give you a frame of reference, here is a picture of my before and after as of now. I will continue to update these pictures as my progress is visible.
My mom and I (and other stragglers here and there) have been doing two 5k's per month, so I will also tell you about those each time we complete one. We just did one this past weekend in Appleton, WI called the Sole Burner for The American Cancer Society. Below is (from L to R) my friend Jamie, Aunt Julie, Mom Terri, Me, and DBF Chris.

We had a blast! It was a little cold and wet, but a good time. It was the first time my friend Jamie and DBF Chris had joined us, and I believe they're hooked!

We don't have anything scheduled for this weekend, but I hope to get out and do a 5k of my own either Saturday or Sunday. We do zumba every Monday, and to be honest, that's about all the workout I have been getting in besides our twice a month 5k's. I have recommitted and am back on the wagon! Stay tuned!