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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SV and Booked Vacation!!!

Total Weight Loss: -52.4
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (6/15): 190.6
Current Week: -2

2 lbs! Wow, I'm on a roll!!! Which, is amazing, since I now have a new goal! Out of the blue, I decided to book a vacation with my best friend Meg, and we are going to SAINT LUSIA! We leave 2 months from today...2 months! If you can't tell, I'm totally excited! Her friend is getting married, and she needed a "date" to go with her since it's at a Sandals, which only does couples rates...if I understand that correctly. So, my new "mini" goal is to be in the 170's by the time we leave....It could be 179.9 for all I care...I just really want to see a 7! In order to do this, I need to lose at least 10.7 lbs, which I am very confident I can do!

I am currently at a weight that I have not seen in at least 4 years, and I am feeling absolutely amazing. Everything about me just feels healthier and happier. My body is starting to tone up a bit, my skin is looking amazing, my nails are growing (I'm a nail biter, don't know when I kicked that habit), and I feel great! I am in large hopes that I will see the 180's next week, which is a weight I saw for a brief period of time in 2004, but I did not stay there long.

I was at my lowest weight that I can recall, which was about 174 in 2004, when I met my boyfriend. I look back on pictures from then and I was looking great! Being able to see that I am not so far off from that number now makes me incredibly anxious to look like that again! I am also noticing, however, that I am losing weight differently this time around, as I have amped up my activity this time around, compared to just eating better when I lost a lot of weight 6 years ago. I am looking about as healthy now as I did then at 174. I know I won't be where I want to be when we go on this Saint Lucia trip, but I want to know that I am still well on my way to being where I want to be by the time my family goes on our cruise next March!

I am using this very upcoming trip as motivation! I worked out on a Tuesday (Weigh in day) for the 2nd week in a row after my weigh in! I was the weight watcher that would binge and be lazy every Tuesday night, but I have a whole new outlook: Start the week out right, and it will end right! Not only did I work out last night, I burned over 700 calories in an hour!

I really want to get into the habit of getting up in the morning and working out, but I'm having a super hard time convincing myself when my alarm goes off that working out is more important than 40 more minutes of sleep...struggling, but I'm determined to conquer it!

TTFN! Happy weight loss!


  1. I can't get up early either, i used to go for a walk after dinner, now I go to the gym during my lunch break!
    your newest follower!

  2. Hi! I found your blog and just wanted to say congrats on your weight loss!! Stick with it!!

    Jennifer in Texas
    check out my story at
