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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 7: Insanity!

Total Weight Loss: -54
Starting Weight: 243 (May 2009)
Current Week (7/6): 189
Current Week: -1.6

Nice stats, eh? hehe...I finally got into the 180's! I was getting sooo sick of the 190's as they CLEARLY overstayed their welcome. I love you 180's, but please please please don't stick around for too long!

So let's talk was CRUCIAL. First of all, we started and were told about 3/4 a mile in to turn around and start over, because the leaders of the pack lead us the wrong way. Then, we waited at the start line for about 15 minutes to re-start the race. Finally, we got on the right path and headed toward the finish line in BRUTAL HEAT! There was not one single part of the path that was shaded. It was hot hot hot, and I was not dealing well. I have, what I have discovered, heat-induced asthma. I always knew I had activity induced asthma, but heat triggers it even more so during activity. Around mile marker 4, I had what felt like a ton of bricks sitting on my chest, and could not, for the life of me, catch my breath. I slowed down A LOT, and fought the urge to stop all together. Well, I kept going and finished anyways! I am re-thinking the races in the middle of summer at that length...not sure my asthma can handle it quite yet.

Next-let's talk INSANITY!!! Chris told me one day he was interested in doing the P90x program, and I did a little research and came across the Insanity program, which is 60 days, rather than P90x's 90 day program. Insanity also focuses a little more on toning what you already have, rather than bulking up what you already have, like P90x does. Well, let me tell you, Shawn T. can suck it! I am in soooo much pain...and it's only Day 4! Oh pain no gain, right? I'll keep you posted on results. I took a before picture, but I do not guarantee that I will post that picture until I see that I have obvious results after 60 days! It's not pretty...

So, did you know I have collar bones? Cuz I definitely never knew I did until I woke up with them one morning this week!!!! :) :) :) :) I had to take a picture!Tonight we're doing day 4 of Insanity...pray for me!


  1. I have insanity but haven't gotten far in it. I have to restart it...How do you incorporate insanity into a running schedule???

  2. I'm loving reading your blog! So, I gave you an award on my blog!

    I have Insanity and Love It!!!
