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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 3: Stupid Snow!

Starting Weight: 260 (January 2009)
Total Weight Loss: -95.4
Current Week (4/12/11): 164.6
Current Week: -.6

I had a really good week last week, so to see a loss of only -.6 was only slightly upsetting.  Only slightly upsetting, because I had such a large loss the week before, so, on the other hand, I was happy to have kept off that big loss, and manage to get off another half a pound, so yay me!

Can you believe we have been under a winter storm warning the past 2 days, and have been getting dumped on with snow!?  IT'S APRIL! IT'S SPRING! AHHHH...UGH..UGH...UGH!!!  It has finally let up, and the temperature is already back up in the 40's, and should continue to head up into the 50's by the end of the week, so it won't be sticking around for too long.  I really just hope this is the end of "winter"....this winter has been harsh, and we're all over it up here!  The past two days have hated on my walking, so my attitude is sour.

Saturday 5k update:
Didn't do it :( It was windy, cold, and nasty out when we got up Saturday morning, so we didn't bother driving the 40 minutes to the 5k to run/walk for a miserable race...I'm just not that badass, and never will be!  I didn't slack on the workouts however...I managed to fit in some amazing workouts last weekend, so I made up for it.

So for tonight, I'm going to make one of these (just haven't decided which one yet):

I'll let you know which one I decide on, and let you know how it was!

Today's Activity:

45 minute walk after work
Zumba 5:30-6:30

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