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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 4 and 5: Catching up a little!

Week 4:
Starting Weight: 260 (January 2009)

Total Weight Loss: -95.8
Current Week (4/26/11): 164.2
Current Week: -.4

Week 5:
Starting Weight: 260 (January 2009)

Total Weight Loss: -96
Current Week (5/3/11): 164
Current Week: -.2

So, as you can see I haven't done so hot the last two weeks, but none-the-less the scale is moving in the right direction, and that's what matters! 

Wedding is 6 weeks and 2 days away-yikes! All I want more than anything is to be in the 150's by the time we leave for Hawaii on June 14.  I have re-set my mind as of this week, and am determined to get there.  To aid in my goal, I'm committing to stepping up my exercise and tracking everything I eat 100% this month.  I've decided to narrow down my 1,000,000 goals to simply 2 this month.  As women, I feel we often try to multi-task too much-even though we are quite good at it most of the time!  If we'd simplify our minds (kind of like men do-lol), we'd probably be more successful (like men are when they try to lose weight).  Think about it!  When your man "goes on a diet," how quickly does he drop the lbs?!  I know mine can lose like 10 lbs in a day when he puts his mind to it.  When I put my mind to it, I'm lucky if I lose 10 lbs in a year!  Now, think about how they do they simply cut out soda? Simply start running? Simply cut out carbs?  More often than not, I bet they're doing one simple thing and it's working!  Am I right?!  I'm switching to man-mode this month.  Wish me luck! :)

In order to step up my exercise, I'm going to focus on walking more and Jillian more.  My mom and I stepped up the walking last month by walking up a steep hill and back down it at our lunch time-about a 15 minute walk.  This month, we're going to continue to do this and a little more by doing the same 15 minute walk right before we start work in the morning.  

My after-work workouts will continue (with possible slight variation or 1 day off here and there):
Monday- Walk and Zumba
Wednesday-Walk and Zumba
Thursday-Walk and Jillian
Saturday-Walk and Jillian
Sunday-Walk and Jillian

*By "Jillian," I mean Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD-Great toning/strength training workout!  Uber cheap too!

I have also joined a group of ladies on my weight watchers message board in a biggest loser challenge.  One of the ladies on the board organized teams, and each week we motivate one another on our teams, and post our weights to a spreadsheet each week.  I think this will be a definite motivator for me knowing I have to share my weight with a bunch of other ladies that are also losing weight-I do not want to be the loser...rather than the biggest loser!

This past weekend was my 1st bachelorette party with my Wisconsin gals-great time!  Next weekend (May 12-16) is my 2nd bachelorette party with my southern gals in Asheville, NC.  I cannot wait to see my very great/missed friends, including my bridal party ladies!

The ladies in my family did something very unexpected, yet pleasant.  They are throwing me a bridal shower on May 22 for all my closest family/friends here in Wisconsin.  I am very appreciative to them for this!  I've never actually been to a bridal shower, so I'm super excited to experience my own as the 1st! :)

Stay tuned-I'll try to keep you posted each week!

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